BookPress is an all-in-one WordPress booking solution


BookPress is a complete online booking solution built specifically for WordPress. Our packages and custom built WordPress sites are carefully crafted to the highest standards.

BookPress is secure, lightweight, easy to use and fully editable using drag and drop modular content blocks.

BookPress Packages

Built specifically for WordPress by WordPress Specialists

BookPress is developed and maintained by our developers in Bristol. They have over a decade of coding experience and specialise in WordPress.

WordPress is the most popular CMS system in the world and BookPress is a robust, custom built WordPress website that will last.

Our developers take care to ensure all WordPress code is compliant, lightweight and error free. Our WordPress websites are optimised for SEO and load fast to get the best possible ranking.

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bookpress mobile

Clean, modern, responsive…

BookPress WordPress websites are built to the latest W3C web standards and are comprehensively cross browser and device tested.

BookPress works seamlessly on mobiles and tablets with the same functionality that’s available on desktop. Site administrators can edit custom notification emails, edit bookings, approve appointments and includes and a live ajax alert notification for new bookings.

Our Packages